Clay on Right Hand

While I was scrolling through my word document which contains all my draft posts or ideas for the blogs, a vision of a few months ago leapt out at me – one that I hadn’t reflected on nor sought the revelation let alone write about it.  I had seen a series of visions that night and written about the rest.  However, this stood out at me yesterday!  You’ve just gotta love how God gets your attention when He wants to!

The last of the series of visions that particular was night was a bit of clay smeared on the top of my clenched right fist.  A blob smeared not covering the entire surface.  So many questions had raced through my mind the following day – why clay, why smeared, why right hand, why clenched, why only a blob.  Another thought that had been nagging me was why not left, given I am a leftie!  Yet no answers were received so I let it be and forgot about it till yesterday!

Knowing the time for the revelation has arrived, I began my search in the scriptures.  In the Hebrew, the term yamiyn, is sometimes used as ‘the right hand’ as one term alone, and is defined as:

the right hand or side (leg, eye) of a person or other object (as the stronger and more dexterous); locally, the south

In some other instances, it is used with hand (right hand (open) hand) where the hand is open. This indicates power and direction – for example, laying the hand on the head.  The waters of the red sea being a wall to the Israelites on their right hand is ‘min yamiyn’ as in part of the right-hand side.

The term yaman is used for right (without the term hand which has been added in the translation instead) and is defined as (physically) right and firm.  An example of this instance is when the king questions the woman and she replied that ‘no one can turn to the right from what the king has spoken (2 Samuel 14:19).

I have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved– Psalm 16:8

Here once again ‘min yamiyn’ is used – part of the right hand side.

God holds us up by His right hand (Psalm 18:35, shows His marvellous loving kindness by it (Psalm 17:7).  His right hand is also symbolic of His saving strength (Psalms 20:6).  All these occurrences are yamiyn.

“For I, the Lord Your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘fear not, I will help you’– Isaiah 41:13

In some instances in the New Testament, ‘right hand’ is as two words – dexios: “right symbolic of which usually takes” (your normal strength) and cheir: hand is indicative of ‘grasping, the power’.  This occurs for example in Matthew 5:30, what causes you to normally grasp sin with power, cast it off.   In Matthew 6:3, 20:31, 20:23 etc however, this is just as one word: dexios.

It can thus be summarised, that the right hand

is symbolic for strength, power, or direction

 – with God’s goodness (blessings and/or discipline)

Clay was symbolic for moulding (potter and clay).  In tablet form, it was used for etching messages (Ezekiel 4:1).  It is symbolic for being fragile, easily breakable (Daniel 2).  When marred, the potter was able to make it again into another vessel as it seemed good to the potter to make (Jeremiah 18:4).  We are the clay to God our Father, who is the potter (Isaiah 64:8) and has power over the clay (Romans 9:21). We also read of Jesus making clay and anointing the eyes of the blind man who then washed it in the pool of Siloam and received sight (John 9:5-11).

Clay is thus symbolic of moulding and anointing.

What does this vision mean to you in your current situation?

Remember my post about ‘doing a Jonah’?  Well, I guess God had to wait till He caught up with me to show me my ‘clenched fist’ (which had been due to fear and to pride) to give me the revelation of the vision.  He is anointing & moulding (clay) my clenched right hand to open it (healing of the fear and pride) and give His strength to face the situation!

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