Mouth Like A Sharpened Sword

In these last two weeks, two people close to my heart have shared stories about people they know going through abuse.  One wanted to remain ‘empathetic’ and not offer any advice or correction at this time but extend support.  The other said she isn’t equipped to offer support and has connected the victim with ‘professionals’.  Both of them (unknown to each other) told me that those ladies knew what they ought to do… Both of them shot me down without letting me speak and explain what needs to be said / done.  They  accused me of being emotional, talking from experience. Both claimed their friends were getting professional help. Both have pulled away from my friendship.  With one of them I managed to highlight the relevant academic background too – but as expected that was sneered at.

I will write more on the topic of abuse and our responses to it in light of these two conversations (or rather lack of) with my friends …. Today I will focus on speaking as God leads us to speak.

It isn’t coincidence, that one of these two incidents happened last night.  A few days ago, I was meditating on a verse that someone had spoken over my life as a part of a prophecy about 10 years ago (with many confirmations before this and after too):

He made my mouth like a sharpened sword,
in the shadow of his hand he hid me;
he made me into a polished arrow
and concealed me in his quiver – Isaiah 49:2

Isaiah was a prophet and likewise, this would be a word to those with a similar calling.

The word ‘made’ in the Hebrew also has the meaning of ‘appoint, charged etc.  Here the making is two-fold just as much as the hiding / concealing is two fold.  He made the mouth like a sharpened sword and the person as a polished arrow.  Such words aren’t going to be ‘sweet’ to those who hear them, no matter how much of love goes into what is being said.  People-pleasers need to be moulded much to be God-pleasers at any cost.

In this verse the Hebrew term for hand, means ‘open hand’ (not closed) indicating ‘power, means, direction’.    In the shadow of His hand – i.e projecting the nature of His open hand – He gives words with His power, means and direction.  Yet, the shadow isn’t light – it has the attribute of being ‘hidden’.

The word ‘shaft’ or ARROW is from the Hebrew term which properly a piercer, that is, an arrow; by implication a wound; figuratively (of God) thunder bolt; the shaft of a spear, while polished is  to clarify (that is, brighten), examine, select: – make bright, choice, chosen, cleanse (be clean), clearly, polished, (shew self) pure (-ify), purge (out).  A polished arrow would be effective to the fullest!

God prepares such people in ‘hiding’ -and then holds them under His covering (an arrow in His quiver).  He hides the sword in His hand till He has given them the direction.  He hides the arrow in His quiver till He is ready to aim it.  Once He has imparted the words to the person and released the person with precision, then they are out there, no more in the ‘hiding’ season!

A sharpened sword let alone a polished arrow isn’t going to touch and not hurt.  It’s gonna leave a mark.  That’s how God makes the mouth (the speech) of one whom He has placed prophetic anointing on.  God sends us like an arrow with precise aim, the mouth speaks like the sword when the arrow is released.

I’m writing all this, not to justify myself but for people to understand different callings, not expect others to fit into their moulds.  Likewise, if God has called you to be like a sharpened spear and releases you as an arrow with precise aim, you can’t please man.  If someone is being rattled by the words, then perhaps God is challenging them to change their attitude and mindset regarding things that are not pleasing to Him.

Many Christians prefer to be the ‘nice ones’, to live a life that minds their own business or where others like what they are doing or saying.  Yet, Jesus never promised us a trouble free life but rather He asked us to carry the cross.  It’s easy to walk the broad and easy path and then have never ending burning.  It’s hard to walk a narrow path on this short time period of our life on earth and enjoy eternity in God’s presence loving Him and praising Him.  We all have choices and those choices have consequences.

If you want to make the choice of the easy way out, and not have to trouble yourself on account of someone else or keep quiet not wanting to rock the boat, that’s your decision.  Yet it’s not fair to humiliate or shut down someone else who wants to be obedient to God in all situations, no matter how hard.

I remember when I was given that prophecy with the verse, I was told clearly, ‘Be prepared for battle’.  And yes, it has been a battle with leaders and sadly with some friends too!  It’s not easy being misunderstood, rejected and distanced – let alone from people I love, because I’m not listening to them or doing what they would want me to do.  Yet, I prefer that from not being right with God!

Having a mouth like a sharp sword isn’t easy, but that’s God’s decision, not mine.  Others with this anointing would feel the same too.  We didn’t ask for it…

I was wondering today if I should post this or not, having drafted it yesterday.  A prophetic word from a strong prophetic sister who had no idea about the ‘spear’ I had been reflecting on, was waiting in my FB messages today, and I knew that was God confirming that I had to share this post!

In case you are curious to read the word:

my sister you are a warrior prophet and He is building much strength in you. you stand like a great spear stuck into the earth…I see you like a shining pinnacle where you stand because you have had to stand and withstand everything the enemy has to throw at you and yet here you are, filled with the Spirit and power of the Lord. I am blessed to know you, my respected sister ❤ you inspire me

4 thoughts on “Mouth Like A Sharpened Sword

  1. Not only is our Lord spoken of with a sharp two edge sword coming from his mouth so is his witnesses. Rev. 1: 16 In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun [k]shining in its strength.

    And Rev 2:12b “The One who has the sharp two-edged sword says this:

    Rev11:4 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. 5 And if anyone wants to harm them, fire flows out of their mouth and devours their enemies; so if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this way.

    {Since God has ordained that we speak with fire then we must not water down the message to be palpable to those that cannot accept its content! }


  2. The text is clearly speaking of Israel in relationship to God and the world. I think our self focus twist these word to be about ourselves. That doesn’t mean the Spirit can’t apply them to us, but they certainly were not written to us primarily. Israel and God is the focus of Isaiah here very clearly.


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