
Communication breakdown results in exasperation! How does communication breakdown? Lack of clarity or assertiveness in the one speaking, absence of body language and tone of voice automatically gets the communication to a bad starting point, cultural differences, stubborness / pride / refusal to listen on the part of the hearer Carrying on speaking dissing the one who wishes to speak with a desire to express their view points or offer clarity. Naturally the one who is trying to speak -and not given the chance to speak – gets exasperated and thus emotional. Often the aggressive one gets annoyed with emotions … Continue reading Exasperated…

Fear or Faith

Many years have rolled by… pretty much alone with helping hands of friends along the way which I treasure and don’t down play.. Yet, nonetheless, it’s been overall an ‘alone’ trip physically but with God right there.  Many years of trials and shaking… depending on Him wholly for everything – love, finances, needs, direction, grace, guidance, forgiveness, healing.. the list just goes on and on and on.. I am content and I do not have to participate in the rat race.. but have the privilege of soaking into His presence being loved and then through the way He guides me … Continue reading Fear or Faith